How Old am I Today? Age Calculator

My Age Calculator accurately calculates your exact age and gives the answer of How old am I?


Please choose your birthday in the day, month, year and optionally your birth time in the hour, minute format and press button to learn the answer for How Old am I Today?
Also, your age as total days will be calculated.

How to use My Age Calculator?

Do you want to know "How old you are?", then you are in the right place. This simple and easy to use age calculator helps you to calculate and learn your age in traditional European and American manner, based on your birthdate. Calculate your exact age more accurately with timezone and birth time options. Age Calculator will try to detect your timezone and your age will be calculated according to selected timezone(It should be set to the timezone at your place of birth). All you need to do is just to enter the date you were born at, in the format of day, month, year, hour, minute. As a result, you will see your age in years, months, days, hours and minutes. By using your date and time of birth you will know your age today, and find the answer to "what is my age, right now?".